Past Life Regression: 9 powerful Signs You Have Experienced it πŸ”„

Have You Lived Before? 9 Signs You Have Experienced a Past Life Regression

Past life Regression: Do you ever feel like you have been here before? Do you have a strong attraction or connection to a certain culture, country, or time period that you can’t explain? Do you have fears, phobias, or emotions that seem to come out of nowhere? Do you have dreams that are so vivid and real that they feel like memories? If you said yes to any of these questions, you might have experienced a past life regression. Let’s get a deep dive into it.

What Is a Past Life Regression and How Does It Work?

A past life regression is a type of therapy that helps you access your subconscious mind and explore your memories of previous lifetimes. The idea is that your soul has lived many times before and has carried some of the experiences, lessons, karma, and trauma from one life to another. By remembering your past lives, you can gain insight into your current life and heal from any unresolved issues.

A past life regression works by putting you in a state of deep relaxation and altered consciousness, where you can tap into your inner wisdom and access your past life memories. You may experience images, sounds, feelings, or sensations that relate to your past lives. You may also talk to your past life guides, who can help you understand and interpret your past life experiences.

Is Past Life Regression Real or Just a Scam? What Science Says About It

Past life regression is a controversial and debated topic that has many fans and critics. Some people believe that past life regression is a real and valid form of therapy that can help you overcome your current life challenges, heal your wounds, improve your relationships, discover your talents, fulfill your purpose, or achieve your goals. Others think that past life regression is a scam or a hoax that tricks people into believing false memories or fantasies.

So what does science say about past life regression? Well, the answer is not simple. There is no clear scientific proof or evidence that past life regression is real or effective. However, there are also some studies that suggest that past life regression may have some benefits or effects on mental health and well-being.

For example, one study found that past life regression therapy improved the symptoms of depression, anxiety, stress, and quality of life in patients with psychiatric disorders. Another study found that past life regression therapy reduced the fear of death in terminally ill cancer patients. A third study found that past life regression therapy enhanced the creativity and problem-solving skills of college students.

However, these studies have some limitations and flaws, such as small sample sizes, lack of control groups, subjective measures, or biased interpretations. Therefore, they cannot be considered conclusive or definitive evidence for the validity or reliability of past life regression therapy.

Ultimately, the truth about past life regression depends on your personal experience and intuition. If you feel curious or interested in exploring your past lives and see what they mean for you, you may find it helpful and enlightening. If you are skeptical or doubtful about the concept of reincarnation and past lives, you may not benefit from it or even harm yourself by creating false memories or confusion. The choice is yours.

Sign 1: You have vivid and recurring dreams of another time and place.

One of the most common and intriguing signs that you have experienced a past life regression is that you have Vivid and recurring dreams of another time and place. Dreams are a gateway to access your subconscious mind, where your past life memories are stored. If you have dreams that are so realistic and detailed that they feel like memories, you may be seeing glimpses of your past lives.

Some of the clues that your dreams are related to your past lives are:

– You see yourself as a different person, with a different name, appearance, gender, or age than in this life.
– You recognize the historical period, the geographical location, or the cultural context of your dream, even if you have no prior knowledge or interest in them.
– You feel a strong emotion or connection to the people, places, or events in your dream, even if they have no relevance to your current life.
– You have the same or similar dreams repeatedly, or you have a series of dreams that follow a chronological order or a storyline.

To interpret and learn from your dreams, you can:

– Keep a dream journal and write down everything that you remember from your dreams as soon as you wake up. You can also record your dreams using a voice recorder or an app.
– Look for patterns, symbols, themes, or messages in your dreams that relate to your current life issues, challenges, goals, or desires.
– Research the historical facts or records that match your dream details and see if they confirm or contradict your past life memory.
– Meditate on your dreams and ask your past life guides or your higher self for guidance and clarity.

Sign 2: You have a strong connection or attraction to a certain culture, country, or historical period.

Another sign that you have experienced a past life regression is that you have a strong connection or attraction to a certain culture, country, or historical period that you have no apparent reason to. Some people feel drawn to a specific culture, country, or historical period that they have no connection to in their lives. They may have a passion for their music, art, literature, language, cuisine, customs, or beliefs. They may also have a preference for their clothing, jewelry, furniture, or architecture.

Some of the clues that your connection or attraction is related to your past life are:

– You feel a sense of familiarity or nostalgia when you encounter something from that culture, country, or historical period.
– You have an innate talent or skill that is typical of that culture, country, or historical period.
– You experience flashbacks, visions, or sensations when you visit a place that is associated with that culture, country, or historical period.
– You have a birthmark, a physical trait, or an ailment that is characteristic of that culture, country, or historical period.

To understand and appreciate your connection or attraction, you can:

– Learn more about that culture, country, or historical period by reading books, watching documentaries, listening to podcasts, or taking courses.
– Travel to that place or visit museums, historical sites, or cultural events that showcase that culture, country, or historical period.
– Meet people who share your interest or who belong to that culture, country, or historical period and exchange stories, experiences, or perspectives.
– Express your creativity or passion by creating something inspired by that culture country, or historical period.

Sign 3: You have unexplained fears, phobias, or emotional triggers.

A third sign that you have experienced a past life regression is that you have Unexplained fears, phobias, or emotional triggers that seem to come from nowhere. Some of your fears, phobias, or emotional triggers may be rooted in past life traumas or events. For example, if you have a fear of water or drowning in this life, it may be because you drowned in a past life. By recalling and releasing these past life memories, you can heal from them and overcome them in this life.

Some of the clues that your fears, phobias, or emotional triggers are related to your past lives are:

– You have an irrational or disproportionate reaction to something that is not threatening or harmful in this life.
– You have a specific or detailed scenario or image in your mind that triggers your fear, phobia, or emotion.
– You have physical symptoms such as sweating, shaking, palpitations, or nausea when you face your fear, phobia, or emotion.
– You have no memory or explanation of how or when you developed your fear, phobia, or emotion.

To overcome and heal from your fears, phobias, or emotional triggers, you can:

– Seek professional help from a therapist, a counselor, a hypnotherapist, or a past life regression therapist who can help you identify and resolve the root cause of your fear, phobia, or emotion.
– Use self-help techniques such as affirmations, visualization, breathing exercises, meditation, or tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique) to calm yourself and release the negative energy associated with your fear, phobia, or emotion.
– Face your fear, phobia, or emotion gradually and gently, with support and encouragement from someone you trust.

Sign 4: You have a sense of dΓ©jΓ  vu or familiarity with certain people, places, or situations.

A fourth sign that you have experienced a past life regression is that you have a sense of dΓ©jΓ  vu or familiarity with certain people, places, or situations. DΓ©jΓ  vu or familiarity is a feeling that you have seen, heard, or done something before, even though you know you haven’t. It can be a sign of past life recognition or resonance. You may feel or react in a certain way when you encounter someone or something from your past life.

Some of the clues that your dΓ©jΓ  vu or familiarity is related to your past life are:

– You feel an instant attraction or repulsion to someone you meet for the first time.
– You feel a deep bond or connection with someone who seems to understand you on a soul level.
– You feel a sense of completion or closure with someone who helps you resolve an issue or achieve a goal.
– You have a strong intuition or knowledge about someone or something that turns out to be true.

To understand and learn from your dΓ©jΓ  vu or familiarity, you can:

– Ask yourself what – Ask yourself what you have in common with that person or thing and how it relates to your current life situation.
– Research the historical or personal background of that person or thing and see if it matches your past life memory.
– Meditate on your feelings and impressions and ask your past life guides or your higher self for guidance and clarity.

Sign 5: You have physical marks, birthmarks, or ailments that correspond to your past life memories.

A fifth sign that you have experienced a past life regression is that you have physical marks, birthmarks, or ailments that correspond to your past life memories. Some physical marks, birthmarks, or ailments can be related to your past life injuries, wounds, or deaths. For example, if you have a scar on your chest in this life, it may be because you were stabbed in the heart in a past life. By remembering and healing these past life memories, you can improve your physical health and well-being in this life.

Some of the clues that your marks, birthmarks, or ailments are related to your past lives are:

– You have a mark, birthmark, or ailment that is unusual, distinctive, or rare in this life.

– You have a mark, birthmark, or ailment that is located on a specific part of your body that is associated with a certain chakra or energy center.

– You have a mark, birthmark, or ailment that is triggered or aggravated by certain stimuli or situations that relate to your past life trauma or event.

– You have a mark, birthmark, or ailment that is confirmed or explained by your past life memory or impression.

To provide evidence or confirmation of your past life experiences, you can:

– Compare your mark, birthmark, or ailment with historical records, documents, photos, or artifacts that show your past life injury, wound, or death.

– Compare your mark, birthmark, or ailment with other people who share your past life memory or connection and see if they have similar marks, birthmarks, or ailments.

– Compare your mark, birthmark, or ailment with scientific studies or research that support the theory of cellular memory or morphogenetic fields.

– Compare your mark, birthmark, or ailment with spiritual teachings or beliefs that explain the meaning and significance of marks, birthmarks, or ailments.

Sign 6: You have an inexplicable knowledge or skill that you did not learn in this life.

A sixth sign that you have experienced a past life regression is that you have an inexplicable knowledge or skill that you did not learn in this life. Some people have an innate knowledge or skill that they cannot explain or account for in this life. They may have a natural talent or ability that is typical of their past life profession, hobby, or talent. For example, if you have an innate ability to play an instrument or speak a foreign language in this life, it may be because you were a musician or a linguist in a past life. By remembering and acknowledging these past life abilities, you can enhance them and use them in this life.

Some of the clues that your knowledge or skill is related to your past life are:

– You have a knowledge or skill that is advanced, complex, or rare in this life.
– You have a knowledge or skill that is easy, fun, or natural for you to do in this life.
– You have a knowledge or skill that is connected to a specific culture, country, or historical period that relates to your past life.
– You have a knowledge or skill that is verified or validated by your past life memory or impression.

To reveal your past life identity or role, you can:

– Showcase your knowledge or skill by performing, teaching, or sharing it with others.
– Develop your knowledge or skill by learning more about it, practicing it, or improving it.
– Explore your knowledge or skill by finding new ways to use it, express it, or enjoy it.
– Honor your knowledge or skill by acknowledging its source, purpose, and value.

Sign 7:You have a strong sense of purpose or mission in this life.

A seventh sign that you have experienced a past life regression is that you have a strong sense of purpose or mission in this life. Some people have a clear vision or goal for their life that they feel passionate about and driven to achieve. They may have a sense of what they are meant to do, be, or contribute in this life.

They may also have a sense of how their past lives have prepared them for their current life purpose or mission. By remembering and aligning with their past life lessons, karma, or soul contract, they can fulfill their destiny and evolve spiritually.

Some of the clues that your purpose or mission is related to your past life are:

– You have a purpose or mission that is unique, meaningful, or impactful in this life.
– You have a purpose or mission that is challenging, rewarding, or fulfilling for you in this life.
– You have a purpose or mission that is aligned with your values, passions, or talents in this life.
– You have a purpose or mission that is confirmed or supported by your past life memory or impression.

To fulfill your destiny and evolve spiritually, you can:

– Pursue your purpose or mission by taking action, making plans, or setting goals.
– Share your purpose or mission by inspiring, helping, or serving others.
– Celebrate your purpose or mission by acknowledging, appreciating, or enjoying it.
– Grow your purpose or mission by learning, adapting, or improving it.

Sign 8: You have experienced a near-death experience (NDE) or an out-of-body experience (OBE).

An eighth sign that you have experienced a past life regression is that you have experienced a near-death experience (NDE) or an out-of-body experience (OBE). An NDE or an OBE is a phenomenon where you feel like you leave your physical body and enter a different realm of consciousness. It can happen when you are close to death, in a coma, under anesthesia, or in a deep meditation. It can trigger a past life regression where you see your past lives or meet your past life guides.

Some of the clues that your NDE or OBE is related to your past life are:

– You see yourself as a different person, with a different name, appearance, gender, or age than in this life.

– You recognize the historical period, the geographical location, or the cultural context of your NDE or OBE, even if you have no prior knowledge or interest in them.

– You feel a strong emotion or connection to the people, places, or events in your NDE or OBE, even if they have no relevance to your current life.

– You receive insight or guidance from your past life guides, who can help you understand and interpret your past life experiences.

To provide insight and guidance for your current life, you can:

– Remember your NDE or OBE and write down everything that you saw, heard, felt, or sensed.
– Reflect on your NDE or OBE and ask yourself what it means for you and how it relates to your current life situation.
– Research the historical facts or records that match your NDE or OBE details and see if they confirm or contradict your past life memory.
– Meditate on your NDE or OBE and ask your past life guides or your higher self for guidance and clarity.

Sign 9: You have undergone hypnosis, meditation, or other forms of altered states of consciousness and accessed your past life memories.

A ninth sign that you have experienced a past life regression is that you have undergone hypnosis, meditation, or other forms of altered states of consciousness and accessed your past life memories. Hypnosis, meditation, and other forms of altered states of consciousness are methods and techniques that can help you access your subconscious mind and explore your past life memories.

They can induce a state of deep relaxation and altered consciousness, where you can tap into your inner wisdom and access your past life memories. You may see, hear, feel, or sense images, sounds, emotions, or sensations that relate to your past lives. You may also communicate with your past life guides, who can help you understand and interpret your past life experiences.

Some of the clues that your hypnosis, meditation, or other forms of altered states of consciousness are related to your past life are:

– You have a clear and vivid memory of a past life that is consistent and coherent.
– You have a strong emotional reaction to your past life memory that is appropriate and proportional.
– You have a physical sensation or manifestation of your past life memory that is noticeable and relevant.
– You have a verification or validation of your past life memory that is reliable and credible.

To enhance your personal growth and transformation, you can:

– Use hypnosis, meditation, or other forms of altered states of consciousness regularly and consistently to access more of your past life memories.
– Use hypnosis, meditation, or other forms of altered states of consciousness creatively and flexibly to explore different aspects of your past life memories.
– Use hypnosis, meditation, or other forms of altered states of consciousness wisely and responsibly to heal from any negative effects of your past life memories.
– Use hypnosis, meditation, or other forms of altered states of consciousness joyfully and gratefully to appreciate the positive effects of your past life memories.

These are some of the signs that you have experienced a past life regression and how they can help you in this life. You may have your own signs or memories that are waiting for you to uncover them. If you feel curious or interested in exploring your past lives and see what they mean for you, why not give it a try? You may be surprised by what you discover.

How Past Life Regression Can Help You Grow and Transform πŸš€

If you decide to try past-life regression therapy for yourself, you may discover that it can help you grow and transform in many ways. By remembering your past lives, you can:

Heal your fears, phobias, or emotions: Some of your fears, phobias, or emotions may come from past life traumas or events. For example, if you are afraid of water or drowning in this life, it may be because you drowned in a past life. By recalling and releasing these past life memories, you can heal from them and overcome them in this life.

Understand your relationships, karma, or soul purpose:
Some of the people you meet in this life may be souls that you have known in previous lifetimes. You may have a karmic connection with them that involves learning certain lessons or resolving certain issues. For example, if you have a difficult relationship with someone in this life, it may be because you have unfinished business with them from a past life. By remembering and understanding these past life connections, you can improve your relationships and clear your karma in this life. You may also discover your soul purpose or mission in this life by remembering what you did or learned in your past lives.

Reveal your past life identity or role: Some of the knowledge or skills that you have in this life may be related to your past life profession, hobby, or talent. For example, if you have an innate ability to play an instrument or speak a foreign language in this life, it may be because you were a musician or a linguist in a past life. By remembering and acknowledging these past life abilities, you can enhance them and use them in this life.

Fulfill your destiny and evolve spiritually: Some of the challenges or opportunities that you face in this life may be part of your soul’s plan or contract for this incarnation. You may have chosen to experience certain things in this life to learn, grow, and evolve spiritually. By remembering and aligning with your soul’s plan, you can fulfill your destiny and achieve your goals in this life.

How to Do It Yourself at Home 🏠 (not recommended)

If you are interested in doing past life regression therapy yourself at home, you can follow these steps: But before doing that prepare your mind through proper training using tools like MEDITATION, YOGA, and a Healthy Routine (60 days before doing past life regression practice).

– Find a quiet and comfortable place where you will not be disturbed or interrupted.

– Set an intention or a question that you want to explore in your past life regression. For example, you can ask: “Who was I in a past life?” or “What is the origin of my fear of heights?” or “What is my soul purpose in this life?”

– Relax your body and mind by doing some breathing exercises, meditation, or yoga.

– Use a hypnosis CD, a guided meditation, a book, or an online video that will guide you through the process of past life regression. You can find many resources online that offer different methods and techniques for past-life regression. Choose one that resonates with you and follow the instructions carefully.

– Be open and receptive to whatever comes up during your past life regression. You may see, hear, feel, or sense images, sounds, emotions, or sensations that relate to your past lives. You may also communicate with your past life guides, who can help you understand and interpret your past life experiences.

– Write down or record everything that you remember from your past life regression. You may want to review it later or share it with someone else.

– Reflect on what you learned from your past life regression and how it applies to your current life. You may find some answers, insights, or guidance that can help you overcome your challenges, improve your relationships, discover your talents, fulfill your purpose, or achieve your goals.

The Dark Side of Past Life Regression: Why You Should Be Careful 😱

Disclaimer-: There is a reason why our memories are buried deep into our consciousness or have a wall between past life memories and our conscious mind. Scratching that wall and taking a peak into the dimension that’s not meant to be explored, can be very dangerous and can be life-threatening, because the amount of memory it has is disastrous, and the feelings associated with it can be very uncanny. Our brain can not handle all those memories if it’s not trained properly, the neurons will start behaving like a choked person. I will not recommend doing it without any guidance from a professional.

While past life regression therapy can be a beneficial and transformative tool for personal growth, it can also have some dangers and pitfalls that you should be aware of and avoid. Here are some of the potential risks of past life regression therapy and how to prevent them:

– False memories: One of the biggest criticisms of past life regression therapy is that it can create false memories or fantasies that have no basis in reality. Some people may confuse their imagination, dreams, or wishful thinking with their past life memories. Some people may also be influenced by external sources, such as books, movies, or media, that shape their expectations or beliefs about their past lives. To avoid creating false memories, you should always use your discernment and common sense when dealing with past life regression therapy and its results. You should also verify your past life memories with historical facts records or other sources of confirmation.

– Confusion: Another risk of past life regression therapy is that it can cause confusion or disorientation in your current life. Some people may lose touch with their present reality and become obsessed or attached to their past lives. Some people may also mix up their past life identities or roles with their current ones. For example, if you were a king or a queen in a past life, you may start acting like one in this life and expect others to treat you accordingly. To avoid confusion, you should always remember that your past lives are part of your history, not your destiny. You should also focus on living in the present moment and fulfilling your current responsibilities and obligations.

– Trauma: Another danger of past life regression therapy is that it can trigger or re-traumatize you from your past life experiences. Some people may recall painful or traumatic events from their past lives that can affect their mental, emotional, physical, or spiritual health in this life. For example, if you were tortured or killed in a past life, you may experience flashbacks, nightmares, anxiety, depression, or physical symptoms in this life. To avoid trauma, you should always seek professional guidance and support when doing past life regression therapy. You should also use caution and respect when dealing with sensitive or disturbing topics from your past lives.

3 Fascinating Stories of People Who Remembered Their Past Lives πŸ“š

To show you the power and potential of past life regression therapy, here are three amazing and inspiring stories of people who remembered their past lives and how it changed their lives for the better:

Shanti Devi: Shanti Devi was a girl from India who claimed to remember her previous life as Lugdi Devi, a woman who died during childbirth in Mathura. She was able to recall details such as her husband’s name, her home address, her family members, and even her secret words with her husband. She was able to recognize and identify her former husband, son, and relatives when they visited her. Her story was investigated by many people, including Mahatma Gandhi, who found it to be authentic and convincing. Her past life memory helped her to find peace and closure in this life.

James Leininger: James Leininger was a boy from Louisiana who claimed to remember his previous life as James Huston Jr., a fighter pilot who was shot down and killed in World War II. He was able to recall details such as the name of his plane, the name of his ship, the name of his co-pilot, and the location of his death. He was also able to recognize and identify his former friends, family, and colleagues when they met him. His story was verified by historical records and documents that matched his past life memory. His past life memory helped him to overcome his fear of flying and water in this life.

Jenny Cockell: Jenny Cockell was a woman from England who claimed to remember her previous life as Mary Sutton, a mother of eight children who died of complications after childbirth in Ireland. She was able to recall details such as the names of her children, the appearance of her house, the layout of her village, and the events of her death. She was also able to locate and contact her former children, who confirmed her past life memory and accepted her as their mother’s reincarnation. Her past life memory helped her to reunite with her lost family and heal their grief in this life.

These are just some examples of how past-life regression therapy can help you discover your past lives and what they mean for you. You may have your own stories or memories that are waiting for you to uncover them.


Past life regression therapy is a fascinating and powerful tool that can help you explore your past lives and how they affect your current life. By remembering your past lives, you can overcome your fears, phobias, or emotions, understand your relationships, karma, or soul purpose, reveal your past life identity or role, fulfill your destiny, and evolve spiritually.

However, past life regression therapy is not for everyone. It can also have some dangers and pitfalls that you should be careful of. It can create false memories, confusion, or trauma if done incorrectly or irresponsibly. You should always use your discernment and common sense when dealing with past life regression therapy and its results. You should also seek professional guidance and support if needed.

If you are interested in trying past life regression therapy for yourself, you can do it yourself at home using hypnosis CDs, guided meditations, books, or online videos that will guide you through the process (not recommended if you are a sensitive person.). You can also find a qualified and ethical past-life regression therapist who can help you with your session.

Past life regression therapy can be a rewarding and enlightening experience that can help you grow and transform in this life. If you feel curious or interested in exploring your past lives and see what they mean for you, why not give it a try? You may be surprised by what you discover. 😊

Thank you for Your patience, If you can recognize any of the given signs of Past life regression in your life or you want to include something else, please feel free to share with me in the comments. We will meet in the next fascinating blog, exploring new dimensions of life which can help us grow and become more successful in all aspects of life. Untill then Jai mata di πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

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